Nhaka Gallery whose aim is to continue Helen Lieros and Derek Huggins Contemporary Art Legacy is excited to invite you to our "GO GREEN - CLIMATE JUSTICE AND RENEWABLE ENERGY SOLUTIONS - YOUNG ARTIST.
Born in Zimbabwe to Greek parents, Helen Lieros’ artistic practice has been driven by the exploration of her identity, bringing forth multiple themes that materialise through her painting. Throughout the ‘70s, a period of.
I FIRST met Helen Lieros in 1987.
I had just returned to Zimbabwe, following the completion of my Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree, specialising in Art History, Criticism and Philosophy.
Coincidently, she had returned from.
Helen Lieros’s painterly production, a continual investigation of her dual Greek-Zimbabwean heritage, was shaped by moments of political and personal crisis. In this text, Zimbabwean-born, Cape Town–based curator Tandazani Dhlakama recalls Lieros and how.